#4 The Ultimate P2A Campaigns List

Disclosure: This article contains referral links for certain page links provided. I may be compensated for successful referrals. These referral links may contain additional rewards for you.
This game is the one I’m most excited about and also the most speculative. The game describes its rewards for collecting Protocol Points as “Web3 Items.” There’s no other information about whether these may be in-game NFTs, community NFTs, or even perhaps tokens.
My early access review of the game can be found HERE.
- Airdrop: “Web3 Items” (redeemable by using Protocol Points)
- Period: 17 Oct - 31 Oct
- Code: 2V9NN6 (in-game code to redeem in-game items)
- Link: https://one.confiction.com/portal/assignments?referralCode=EL3NM2

Planet Atmos - ExoGP
ExoGP is a flight racing game. I highly recommend it to those who like Flight Simulator or flying drones!
- Airdrop: $EQD (Undisclosed amount)
- Period: 11 Oct - 14 Nov (Stage 1), Nov - Dec (Stage 2)
- Link: https://planetatmos.helika.io/FyQVXOhg

My Neighbor Alice
You’ll need some patience on the onboarding into the game. It doesn’t have the best method of onboarding. But I can promise the farming game is good!
- Airdrop: $ALICE (worth of $25k USD)
- Period: 15 Oct - 4 Nov (Season 2), 12 Nov - 2 Dec (Season 3)
- Link: https://play.myneighboralice.com/beta-access/?referral_code=77F783CF

Fishing Frenzy
The studio has confirmed that only in-game items will be airdropped for the current phase. The ALPHA is that chests may be tradeable on the market soon… I may have some good news to share on this soon!
- Airdrop: in-game items
- Period: 11 Sep - TBC
- Referral Code: ANNAZ1
- Link: https://fishingfrenzy.co/login?next=Lw==

Forgotten Playland
In Season 1, players will accumulate FLUFFY Points by participating, playing games, progressing, or holding cosmetics. FLUFFY Points will then be converted into $FP Tokens after TGE.
- Airdrop: $FP (undisclosed amount)
- Period: TBC (Season 1)
- Link: https://forgottenplayland.com/

Be ready for the 3rd playtest. The leaderboards is gonna reset and the game is also coming to mobile! There’s also a Halloween event until 29 Oct, but this one doesnt count for the P2A campaign.
- Airdrop: 10Mil $QUEST + additional 6 Million $QUEST Prize pool
- Period: TBC (Playtest 3)
- Referral: https://ravenquest.io/register/ref/24488

Immortal Rising 2
I suggest playing the game for now and grinding your character. I have received confirmation from the studio that in-game missions will be available at a later date. They’re currently busy with TGE preparations
- Airdrop: $IMT (undisclosed amount)
- Period: TBC
- Referral Code: EXI4M2W61F
- Referral Link: https://immortalrising2.com/?referral=EXI4M2W61F
My detailed sharing about the gameplay can be found HERE
The closed playtest has ended. The studio has announced that a P2A campaign is coming, but there are no details yet.
- Airdrop: $WYRM (undisclosed amount)
- Period: TBC
- Link: https://hub.xyz/calamity
if you’re not familiar with Play2Airdrop campaigns, this write-up will help you to get the gist of it.
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