About Annaz

About Annaz

Hi there! I'm Annaz. IRL I have a career in Finance. Though work has kept me busy, I have always had a passion for playing video games - particularly indie games.

In my free time, I have enjoyed sharing my experiences with these games on my YouTube channel. However, over the past few years, I have discovered the exciting world of Web3 games and have been eager to share my thoughts and experiences with others.

Supporting indie creators and spreading the word about their incredible work is a cause close to my heart. That's why I'm expanding my horizons and taking my stories directly to you through this blog and Twitter (X). My mission? To champion these talented developers and bring the spotlight to the phenomenal games and experiences they bring to life.

Thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit about me. I hope you will join me on this journey and discover the wonderful world of indie and Web3 games together.

My Content on Social Media

Early Gameplay review and teasers on Twitter (X)

I usually do content for games in their early alpha stages or game jam events

Seraph gameplay during early alpha stages in 2023

Axie Game Jam in 2023

Play2Airdrop (P2A) content

This is currently the latest user acquisition strategy by web3 games. There's been a lot of demand around P2A campaigns. I do weekly P2A campaign summaries and overviews of specific P2A campaigns updates on Twitter (X)

Weekly P2A Summary

Nyan Heroes P2A campaign

Gameplay Content

I also sometimes post my gameplay or tutorial videos on my YouTube channel. Check them out there!

Contact Me

If you want me to test out your game, discuss any sponsorship deals, require any advisory services, have any questions about my stories, or just want to connect, feel free to contact me!